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紙本規格 Book Specification

219 pages

Black & White. Softcover. Recycle Book Jacket

176mm x 128mm

Traditional Chinese

Self-Improvement/ Popular Readings


2011年日本福島核事件後,我們開始了一系列關於環境與生活的講座,邀請了一些朋友與讀者講解他們改變生活的決定以及他們的實踐,其中包括了藝術家、環境學者、社區經濟經營者、作家、哲學家、農夫、修行者等等,而這些講座都有一個共同的題目:「你必須改變你的生活」。這個口號,來自德國詩人里爾克的〈古老的阿波羅石像殘軀〉(Archaischer Torso Apollos)的最後一句,鏗鏘且有力。但,為甚麼要採用一句命令式的口號,改變生命不是需要自身反省的嗎?當然,但怎樣去開始這些反省,則是另一個問題,在消費主義以及「I don’t give a shit」主義橫行的都市裡,我們怎樣去思考改變的必要呢?




Plan: Yuk Hui

Host: Debby Cheng Yi-yi
Speakers: Tai Sau-wai, Leila Chan, Fongie Chen, Sandy Yip, Ho Kin-Chung, Bella Ip, Cynthia Yuen, Chow Sze-chung, Lai Lap-boon, Natalie Lo Lai-lai, Hsieh Hsiao-yang

ISBN:  9789881545374

After the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in 2011, we started a series of talks and seminars about our lives and the environment, and invited some friends and readers to share their decision of changing their lives and their actions. These include artists, environmental scholars, community economy operators, writers, philosophers, farmers, practitioners, etc., and the theme of seminars is “You Must Change Your Life”. This strong slogan ids originated from the last line of Archaischer Torso Apollos, a poem written by a German poet Reine Maria Rilke. Yet, why do we use a slogan in an imperative tone instead of a reflective one? Surely, changing your own life is reflective, but how to start the reflection is another problem. In this city penetrated by consumerism and “I don’t give a shit”-ism, how do we start to consider the necessity of changing?


If we have to change, how should we?

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